Re: Non-PK encryption not vulnerable via low key length?!

Perry E. Metzger (
Thu, 16 Mar 1995 15:03:19 -0500

Software Test Account says:
> > Okay, let's see. 2^128 = 3.4e38.  Suppose you can somehow try one
> > billion keys per second.  Then it will take you 3.4e29 seconds or
> > about 1e22 years to try every possible key.  A shorter length of
> > time than it would take with a 1024 bit key, but I don't think I'd
> > lose much sleep over it.
> >
> There must be ways of forcing convergence.  Brute force is tacky.

If you know a way to break IDEA or RC4 that is better than brute
force, you'll be very famous when you publish the paper.
